Wednesday 29 December 2010

iTUNE... Los Rakas + Faviola - Abrazame (Gyptian's Hold Yuh Cover)

I was just browsing through The Fader's Listomania 2010 and I bumped into this on one of their lists & I was completely blown away! As far as covers or refixes go and especially of this song that has had bucket loads of covers/refixes in 2010, this ONE is damn near perfect! I wouldn't go as far as saying it's better than the original Gyptian song BUT I definitely prefer this one right now!!! Listen to NY Producer, Uproot Andy add his twist to the tune right after as well, do NOT skip it!!!

Los Rakas are an emerging Latin Dancehall/Reggae/Hip-Hop/Alternative group hailing from Panama who now reside in California and you can SHOULD peep the official video for the Uproot Andy remix of this HUGE banger right below!

Damn I really need to learn how to DJ going into 2011 because damn how can you know about this tune and NOT drop it in between your set? I don't get it! Anyway...


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