Sunday 17 October 2010

iDownload... Cherri Prince - Listen Hear EP

"Listen Hear is the debut EP and introduction to Cherri Prince. Influenced by Jazz, Soul, Hip Hop and life so far let the vocals soothe and stories intrigue you... observe... feel...enjoy...critic... but most of all Listen Hear" - Cherri Prince
So a few hours ago, I was having a conversation with one of my followers on twitter about X-factor and by sheer chance, I  checked out her full profile and saw that there was a bandcamp link on it SO I clicked on it, as you do and the rest as they say is history. I'm not gonna say anything other than to plead with you to please press play on this right below... 

Instead of trying to compare or rate this 'Listen Hear' EP with anything I've heard lately, I will just keep it as simple as this... I absolutely love this EP. I love the music on this. I love Cherri Prince's voice. It's over a year old but sounds so fresh, I could listen to this over and over and over again. I think this kinda music is made specifically to have that effect BUT 'Listen Hear' works and it's just a beautifully put together piece of work. I shall stop talking now! You need this in your life...


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